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Andrew M.

Andrew M.

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"저희 비영리 단체는 TeamPassword를 사용하고 있으며, 우리의 요구에 잘 맞고 있습니다."


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    Google Chrome logo with a cancel symbol on top

    How to Disable Google Chrome's Password Manager in 3 Steps

    January 6, 20255 min read


    We've all succumbed to the pressure of Google Chrome's offer to "save this password". If you're concerned about the security or privacy risks of Chrome's password manager or already use a dedicated password manager and are annoyed by Chrome's popup every time you create an account, this article will show you how to disable it quickly.

    Security concerns are often the main reason to disable Google Chrome's built-in password manager. If a cybercriminal hacks the Google account where these passwords are saved and synced, they can go on to breach all your other accounts. Disabling the password manager can reduce this risk.

    Many prefer (and we recommend) using a dedicated third-party password manager. These applications provide more robust security features, cross-platform compatibility, and additional functionalities like customizable password generators and sharing. Disabling the browser's password manager allows users to rely solely on their preferred third-party solution.

    TeamPassword is a secure, affordable, and modern password manager for businesses. Grab your TeamPassword Free Trial for your organization today!

    Table of Contents

      How to Disable Google Chrome Password Manager

      For Chrome users on Windows and Mac:


      1. Click your profile icon in the top right corner of your browser window. 
      2. Click the key symbol to open Google Password Manager.Turn off offer to save passwords.png
      3. Select Settings, then toggle Offer to save passwords off. 

      For Chrome users on iOS and Android:

      1. Tap your profile icon, then Google Password Manager under Basics. 
      2. Tab the gear icon (Settings) on the bottom menu.
      3. Turn off Offer to save passwords


      How to Delete and Export Saved Passwords in Google Chrome Password Manager

      To delete saved passwords from Chrome Password Manager, follow these 4 steps:

      1. Click your profile icon in the top right corner of your browser window. 
      2. Click the key symbol to open Google Password Manager. 
      3. Click the password you wish to delete. You may have to enter your device password to unlock this view.
      4. Click Delete


      Before deleting passwords in the Google Password Manager, you may want to export them.

      Here's how to export your passwords from the Google Password Manager in Chrome: 

      1. Click your profile icon in the top right corner of your browser window. 
      2. Click the key symbol to open Google Password Manager. 
      3. Select Settings from the tabs on the left
      4. Find Export passwords and click Download file


      This exports all your passwords into a plaintext CSV file - so be careful with it!

      Do you frequently use other browsers? 

      Are you wondering how to disable the password managers on other browsers you use? These articles might help:

      Is Google Chrome Password Manager Safe?

      As we've written before, Chrome wasn't built to be a password manager.

      If someone steals your device at a coffee shop or hacks your Google account, they may have access to all of your passwords. Chrome doesn't automatically log you out at an interval of your choosing or when you close the browser. That would be inconvenient! In a nutshell, Google Chrome's password manager is not as safe as a dedicated password manager

      Chrome's solution focuses on convenience, and if you keep track of which devices you're signed into, lock your devices securely, and don't share passwords, credentials, or devices with anyone, the Google Chrome password manager may be safe enough. Even if you have all that covered, Chrome's password manager lacks support for document storage, other browsers, or non-browser uses, which means you'll need another password manager for those applications. 

      What if you use Safari on your iPhone or Mac? In that scenario, Chrome's password manager won't help you at all.

      That's why we recommend using a dedicated third-party tool that works on all your devices and browsers and encrypts your data with military-grade AES 256-bit encryption, advanced 2FA options, and uses a zero-knowledge design, so don't have to trust Google to keep your passwords safe!

      If you need to share passwords with your team, look through our list of the best password managers for teams

      How TeamPassword Can Help

      TeamPassword is a secure, efficient, and affordable solution for storing and managing your passwords that doesn't leave you vulnerable to Chrome password security issues. It lets you create and customize strong passwords on any browser or device, and you can access them whenever and wherever you need. With TeamPassword, your passwords remain secure even if your device ends up in the wrong hands.

      Using a dedicated password manager like TeamPassword adds an extra layer of protection. It requires you to log in with a separate "master" password and automatically locks your passwords after a specific time. While slightly less convenient than Chrome's built-in features, password managers are significantly more secure.

      TeamPassword offers a Chrome extension that autofills most websites and displays record information in a convenient dropdown, eliminating the need to visit a separate page. It also includes extensive features for safe credential sharing, something Chrome's password feature lacks entirely. Passwords are organized into Groups, and team members can be given access as needed. Removing members and editing records is just as easy.

      With TeamPassword, you can enjoy the convenience of password management while keeping your information secure. Try TeamPassword for free today!

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